Glaston together with Ahlström network stands by the children of Ukraine

We stand by the children of Ukraine and therefore have brought together our network of shareholders, employees, and stakeholders within the Ahlström network to help during this time of crisis. Ahlström Collective Impact is channeling the Ahlström network’s donations through UNICEF Finland to support health, nutrition, safe water, sanitation, and protection for children and families […]

Ahlström Collective Impact makes significant investment into UNICEF’s Global Education Program

Ahlström Collective Impact (ACI), a responsibility initiative for companies and foundations within the Ahlström Network, has decided to make an investment of 600,000 € into UNICEF’s Global Education Program. Launched in August 2020, Ahlström Collective Impact is committed to creating change by investing in a better future for children in joint partnership with UNICEF Finland. […]