At glasstec 2024, Glaston will present our many ways to speed up your success without compromising quality. We can tailor plans to your specific targets to help you quickly reach your highest processing goals. Interested in reaching 30% higher profitability? Our equipment efficiency cuts costs for both higher productivity and better bottom-line results. Experience effortless […]
Glaston @GlassBuild America 2024
Fast-track your performance for greater profitability At GlassBuild America 2024, Glaston will present our many ways to speed up your success without compromising quality. We can tailor plans to your specific targets to help you quickly reach your highest processing goals. Interested in reaching 30% higher profitability? Our equipment efficiency cuts costs for both higher […]
Glaston auf der China Glass 2024 – Innovationen für die Glasverarbeitung
Wenn sich die Märkte und Branchen ständig verändern, ist es gut, sich auf das Wesentliche zu besinnen – auch bei der Auswahl von Technologieanbietern und Partnern, die Sie bei jedem Schritt unterstützen, ist es gut, auf die Originale zu vertrauen. Auf der diesjährigen China Glass werden wir einige unserer neuesten technologischen Entwicklungen vorstellen. Im Folgenden […]
Glaston RC Series proves to be the right move
“For nearly 25 years, our second-hand Glaston tempering line served customers with quality glass tempering. But after numerous upgrades and rebuilds, it was simply time to invest in a new tempering line. Glaston’s RC Series fit our needs. Now, we’re looking forward to operating it for the next 20+ years,” says Mats Pihlqvist, Site Manager at Industriglas […]
Reducing energy use by 30% with Glaston RC Series
“We had an excellent opportunity to replace our two older tempering furnaces with one new Glaston RC Series line to reduce energy consumption, avoid problems with outdated spare parts and beef up our production with more automation,” says Samir Bou Obeid, Chairman of AURYS. AURYS is one of Europe’s leading processors of decorative glass products […]
Glaston’s RC Series joins existing FC line – Maggie meets Louie Noodles
“Maggie gives us outstanding flexibility to temper 3 to 19 mm glass. Louie gives us purpose – to temper the best heat-strengthened and heavy commercial insulated glass,” says Michelle Magyar, President of Mid-American Glass. Not many tempering furnaces are fortunate to be christened with human names. But then, not many have an owner who treats […]
Glaston at VITRUM 2021
After the long break, we’re happy to meet you once again in person at this year’s VITRUM! It will truly be a welcome opportunity for us all to catch up and share news on the latest developments. We’re looking forward to hearing more about your business. Let’s celebrate being closer in touch – and explore […]
Glaston at GlassBuild America 2021
After the long break, we’re happy to meet you once again in person at this year’s GBA! It will truly be a welcome opportunity for us all to catch up and share news on the latest developments. We’re looking forward to hearing more about your business. Let’s celebrate being closer in touch – and explore […]
Vortex Glass aims to serve Florida and the Caribbean with the best
All tempering, laminating and insulating glass lines from Glaston Vortex Glass started its first phase of operations in March 2021 with tempered glass for the Florida and Caribbean construction and architectural markets as they begin to rebound. By the end of this year, Vortex Glass will provide the full range of tempered, laminated and insulated […]
KellGlass chooses Glaston to help add value
KellGlass Limited in Ireland has just installed its first Glaston RC Series furnace in March 2021. The company, located just north of Dublin, plans to use the furnace to add value for its customers in both the double-glazed glass and processing market. Patrick Kelly, owner and founder of KellGlass Limited, began thinking about purchasing a […]
BVGlazing continues to build value for its customers
“Glass has become a feature of the building – not just something you’re looking through. That’s why all the glass we deliver must be of the highest possible quality,” says Andrew Dolphin, General Manager Glass Operations at BVGlazing in Toronto. “Glaston’s RC350 and FC500 have helped us expand our business to greater capacity with outstanding […]
PLG buys entry-level Glaston RC tempering line and then upgrades
“We’ve always been an important partner to the large window manufacturers in Finland. Listening to their needs and responding has helped us stay competitive in this market,” Tommi Nousiainen, CEO of PLG in Finland, explains. “We were not specifically looking for a tempering furnace. But when our customers began to require high-quality tempered glass, we […]
Glaston-Gruppe auf der Eurasia Glass 2020
In diesem Jahr feiert Glaston sein 150-jähriges Firmenjubiläum dank seiner kontinuierlichen Erfolgsgeschichte als Innovationsführer, Vorreiter und visionärer Denker. Heute konzentriert sich das Unternehmen über die Herstellung von Maschinen hinaus auf automatisierte Prozesse. Als eine der Ersten, die die Chancen des digitalen Zeitalters nutzen, konzentriert sich Glaston auf künstliche Intelligenz und cloudbasierte Dienste, um den Kunden […]
Hohe Qualitätsanforderungen kurbeln die nordamerikanische Nachfrage an
Das ganze Jahr über ist die Nachfrage auf dem Architekturglasmarkt in Nordamerika stark geblieben, während sich die Kunden darauf konzentrieren, ihr Geschäft mit fortschrittlicheren Produkten und verstärkter Automatisierung auszubauen. Strengere Bauvorschriften und höhere Qualitätsstandards für Glas treiben Investitionen für Verbesserungen mit wärmebehandeltem Glas voran. Wie in den Zwischenberichten von Glaston berichtet wird, befindet sich der […]
Splendor Shower Door wächst mit den US-Glastrends mit der Glaston RC-Serie
„Für unser aktuelles Modernisierungsprojekt, das während der Weihnachtsferien 2018 durchgeführt wurde, war Glaston bei weitem der beste Anbieter, mit dem wir zusammenarbeiten konnten“, sagt Tom Wanamaker, Präsident von Splendor Shower Door in Holland, Ohio. „Von Anfang bis Ende war unsere Projekterfahrung mit ihnen großartig. Kommunikation, Installation und Schulung liefen alle sehr reibungslos ab“. Splendor Glass […]
Washington Art Glass investiert in Glaston RC Serie
„Wir sind die neuen Trendsetter mit unserem neuesten Angebot an digitalem Keramikdruck auf Glas, das einzelne Glasstücke in erschwinglicher Weise zu einem langlebigen Meisterwerk vorgespannt werden können. Es war alles Zufall, dass wir Dip-Tech 2016 auf der Glasstec in Düsseldorf trafen. Nach 18 Monaten haben wir unsere Geschäftsidee in die Tat umgesetzt“, sagt Charlie Hill, […]
ABC Glass Processing wählt Glastons RC200 für größeres, dickeres Glas
Um den Anforderungen seiner Kunden gerecht zu werden, hat ABC Glass im Frühjahr 2017 seine neue Glaston RC200 Vorspannanlage in Betrieb genommen. „Jetzt sind wir in der Lage, Glas in nur einem Bruchteil der Zeit und in größeren, längeren und dickeren Größen als je zuvor zu härten. Diese Investition hat es uns ermöglicht, unseren treuen […]
Amber-Glass wählt Glaston zur Unterstützung seines jahrzehntelangen Erfolgs
Aus einer polnischen Familientradition heraus, in der das Wissen über Glas über Generationen weitergegeben wurde, hat Amber-Glass neue Herausforderungen angenommen und sich mit der Zeit verändert. „Heute erweitern wir die Möglichkeiten unseres Glasverarbeitungsgeschäfts“, sagt Marcin Karel, Vorstandsmitglied und Produktionsdirektor von Amber-Glass. „Wir tun dies, indem wir nur High-End-Maschinen der besten Hersteller verwenden, so dass wir […]
Peterlee Glass expandiert – eine Feier zu 40 Jahren Erfolg
Glaston RC350 ermöglicht den Umstieg auf größere Glasgrößen „Obwohl im Oktober 2017 offiziell unser 40. Geburtstag gefeiert wurde, haben wir das ganze Jahr über mit einer bedeutenden Investition in neue Maschinen gefeiert, die uns helfen werden, weiter zu wachsen und in der Architekturglasbranche zu bestehen. Ende des Sommers haben wir unsere neue Glaston RC350 Vorspannanlage […]
Glaston at VITRUM 2017
Glaston puts you in control of anisotropy At VITRUM 2017, Glaston will showcase its brand-new products that promise to take glass processing performance and quality another notch higher. These include flat tempering and laminating technologies that take advantage of digitalization, products for scanning anisotropy and a way to improve throughput by monitoring an entire factory. Glaston […]
Kensington Glass Arts challenges the startup of Glaston’s RC350
Sharpening the edge in a niche interior market Celebrating 40 years of being in business, Kensington Glass Arts decided it was time to upgrade its old Tamglass furnace to Glaston’s RC350. The deal-clinching factor was Glaston’s agreement to get the new furnace installed, commissioned and running saleable tempered glass in just three weeks. With his exceptional […]
Glaston at GlassBuild America 2017
Glaston puts you in control of anisotropy At GBA 2017, Glaston will showcase its brand-new products that promise to take glass processing performance and quality another notch higher. These include flat tempering and laminating technologies that take advantage of digitalization, products for scanning anisotropy and a way to improve throughput by monitoring an entire factory. […]
Glaston at China Glass 2017 – Smart connectivity and cutting-edge technology
At China Glass this May, we will showcase our top products developed with smart technologies, interconnected machines and online reporting to help glass processors reach the highest level of quality and glass processing performance possible. We have a long history of leading with product innovation and the world’s firsts in technology. Our recently introduced IoT smart […]
Peterlee Glass celebrates 40th anniversary with major growth
Glaston RC350 helps aim for the top “Glaston’s RC350 opens up new opportunities for the architectural market. This furnace is part of our major multimillion-pound investment project for a prestigious new factory that will enable us to serve our customers with larger pieces of processed glass, better toughened lamination quality and a wider portfolio of […]
Glaston at Glasstech Asia 2016
Glasstech Asia 2016 will be staged in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, from 24 – 26 November 2016. Meet as at our stand E17 in Hall A2, to learn more about: Glaston Insight – a platform that gathers global processing data and transforms it into production excellence. The result is improved automation based on actual measured data […]
Glaston at Glasstec 2016: Insight leads to smart machines
We’re happy to present the next chapter in the glass heat treatment business at this year’s Glasstec 2016 by combining our technology leadership with smart connectivity. With a strong focus on giving customers the best possible experience and business results, we will introduce our latest innovations to help glass processors reach an even higher level of performance.
Glass Team starts operations with top equipment line-up
“When you start up a glass processing facility from scratch, you need to know that you can be comfortable with your choice of equipment. We wanted to have technology that would give us the ability to process high-specification Low-E glass, reliable operation and local engineering support in case we need it,” says David Whitburn, Managing […]
Quartz Glass & Mirror makes tempering personal
Glaston RC200 brings service closer to customers „In the past, we tempered our glass some 40-minutes‘ drive away. Since there were always delays, we decided to purchase a Glaston RC200 furnace and expand our offering to bring a faster, better service – closer to our customers,“ Mariusz Lojowski, President of Quartz Glass & Mirror (QGM), states. „After careful consideration, we decided […]
TriStar Glass moves fast, adapts quickly to change
Second Glaston FC500 soon in operation “I’d say we’ve always been informed opportunists,” states Tim Kelley, owner of TriStar Glass. “What sets us apart is being able to move fast, to adapt quickly to change. We’re proud of being privately owned and independent. Our company has been built by our people who give us a […]
Tufwell Glass Ltd gains greater capacity with Glaston RC200
Being highly focused on flat glass processes for partitioning used in the office industry, Tufwell Glass Ltd has carved out a unique and resilient position for itself in southeast region of England. Backed by over 30 years of business success, the company reached the point where it needed to increase its toughening capacity. The Glaston RC200 flat tempering furnace fit the company’s […]
PJB Glass Group chooses Glaston RC200
Serving all glass requirements After 10 years of experience with the Glaston HTF 2142 furnace, Paul Buckley, Managing Director of the PJB Glass Group, decided to complement his flat glass production offering by investing in a Glaston RC200 furnace. This will enable the company to increase production of a broad range of tempered glass types for customers. Flat […]
First-ever GlastonInsight to Japan
Sanshiba Shozai goes for gold Sanshiba Shozai of Japan chose to be the first glass processor in the world to invest in Glaston’s latest GlastonInsight, the intelligent online assistance system, at the same time as it ordered the Glaston RC350 tempering furnace. The main reasons for the investments are to increase the company’s tempering production […]
Tvitec launches Glaston RC350 with super size and performance
One of the Europe’s largest furnace for sophisticatedarchitectural glass Although the company was newly established in Cubillos del Sil, León, in northwest Spain in 2007, Tvitec (Technical Glass Transformed) has rapidly made a world-class name for itself when it comes to supplying demanding architectural projects internationally. Now with the most recent addition of Glaston RC350, it leads […]