Responsible business

At Glaston, responsibility is part of our day-to-day operations. Glaston is committed to complying with national and international law, regulations and commonly accepted operating methods in full in everything it does.

Code of Conduct

Glaston is committed to doing busi­ness in a responsible and sustainable way in every business situation and transaction. By acting in a responsible manner, we are also laying the foundation for long-term success and growth.

For more information, please see our Governance section.

Human Rights

Human rights belong to everyone. Glaston is committed to respecting all human rights recognised in the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and existing human rights conventions. Glaston is committed to act according to United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Glaston respects labour rights and is committed to the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

We continuously improve our understanding of our human rights impacts and take necessary actions to remediate the impacts we become aware of.

Glaston is committed to respecting the human rights of all individuals and groups our operations have an impact on, i.e. the rights-holders. We respect the rights of our own employees, job applicants, subcontractors, suppliers, customers, workers throughout our value chain, and all communities affected by our operations.

Glaston’s policy for Human Rights outlines the company’s commitment to respecting human rights.

Responsible sourcing

Glaston is committed to responsible sourcing, which includes, among other things, supplier requirements and audits as well as implementation of human rights and occupational safety. Most of Glaston’s approximately 2,000 active subcontractors operate in Europe, where the company’s largest assembly and production units are located.

In 2020, Glaston published a separate code of conduct for its suppliers (Glaston Supplier Code of Conduct), to which the company requires suppliers to commit. In 2022, the suppliers’ commitment rate to the Code was significantly increased. In addition, commitment has also been increased as part of the company’s purchasing agreements.

Anti-corruption and anti-bribery

At Glaston, combating corruption and bribery is included in the company’s Code of Conduct, and the topics are covered extensively in Code of Conduct training.

In 2020, in order to focus particular attention on risks related to bribery and corruption, Glaston’s Board of Directors approved the Group’s anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy. The purpose of this policy is to increase Glaston employees’ awareness of the risk of corrupt payments, to unequivocally prohibit the payment and receipt of bribes, and to ensure that the company conducts business honestly, in accordance with ethical standards and in compliance with anti-corruption laws, rules and regulations.

Reporting misconduct and Glaston’s whistleblowing channel

Any suspected violations of our Code of Conduct, company policies or applicable laws can be reported to Glaston via several channels. Glaston investigates all reports promptly and confidentially and takes appropriate action based on the findings of the investigation. The process is fair to all parties, and a person making a report in good faith will not be subject to retaliation. Glaston’s channels for reporting a concern include:

  • Discussing directly with the line manager (primary channel for employees)
  • Informing Local or Group HR or Group Legal functions
  • Using our whistleblowing channel, an externally hosted reporting tool that allows for anonymous reporting for both internal and external stakeholders. Link to channel.

More information about Glaston’s whistleblowing channel and reporting instructions can be found here.


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